KARDIA, which actually stands for “heart” in Greek is a GUI designed for the analysis of cardiac interbeat interval (IBI) data.
KARDIA allows interactive importing and visualization of both IBI data and event-related information.
Available functions permit the analysis of phasic heart rate changes in response to specific visual or auditory stimuli, using either weighted averages or different interpolation methods (constant, linear, spline) at any userdefined analysis window or sampling rate.
KARDIA also provides the user with functions to calculate all commonly used time-domain statistics of heart rate variability and to perform spectral decomposition by using either
Fast Fourier Transform or auto-regressive models.
Scaling properties of the IBI series can also be assessed by means of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis. Quantitative results can be easily exported in Excel and Matlab format for further statistical analysis.

KARDIA Crack Patch With Serial Key For Windows (Latest)
KARDIA Crack Free Download is a scientific tool designed to analyze and visualise both IBI and event-related information.
The main features of KARDIA are the following:
Import and visualization of several file types.
Import of IBI data from the EMG-SED device.
Import of event-related data.
The use of weighted averages for the analysis of phasic HR responses.
Interactive features.
Interactive methods for the analysis of data at user-defined sampling frequencies.
Scaling properties of the IBI series can also be assessed by using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis.
The analysis of IBI and event-related data can be exported in Excel and Matlab format for further statistical analysis.
KARDIA Description:
The main features of KARDIA are the following:
import of several file types.
Importation of IBI data from the EMG-SED device.
Import of event-related data.
The use of weighted averages for the analysis of phasic HR responses.
Interactive features.
Interactive methods for the analysis of data at user-defined sampling frequencies.
Scaling properties of the IBI series can also be assessed by using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis.
The analysis of IBI and event-related data can be exported in Excel and Matlab format for further statistical analysis.
KARDIA Description:
The main features of KARDIA are the following:
Import and visualization of several file types.
Import of IBI data from the EMG-SED device.
Import of event-related data.
The use of weighted averages for the analysis of phasic HR responses.
Interactive features.
Interactive methods for the analysis of data at user-defined sampling frequencies.
Scaling properties of the IBI series can also be assessed by using Detrended Fluctuation Analysis.
The analysis of IBI and event-related data can be exported in Excel and Matlab format for further statistical analysis.
KARDIA Description:
KARDIA provides interactive, import and visualization of both IBI and event-related data.
KARDIA allows the analysis of IBI and event-related information, both on the continuous and discrete levels.
Available functions permit the analysis of phasic heart rate changes in response to specific visual or auditory stimuli, using either weighted averages or different interpolation methods (const
KARDIA [Win/Mac] [March-2022]
KARDIA allows interactive importing and visualization of both IBI data and event-related information.
Available functions permit the analysis of phasic heart rate changes in response to specific visual or auditory stimuli, using either weighted averages or different interpolation methods (constant, linear, spline) at any userdefined analysis window or sampling rate.
KARDIA also provides the user with functions to calculate all commonly used time-domain statistics of heart rate variability and to perform spectral decomposition by using either
Fast Fourier Transform or auto-regressive models.
Scaling properties of the IBI series can also be assessed by means of Detrended Fluctuation Analysis. Quantitative results can be easily exported in Excel and Matlab format for further statistical analysis.
FILESThe KARDIA user manual is included in the zip file. If you download the KARDIA you will find a folder called "English" inside. That folder is the file to be read.
Instructions on how to use KARDIA can also be found there.
Version 3.3.1 - Release Date: 2/1/2018
- added support for odata download and more flexible import format
- now using the latest scripting version, with hundreds of new features
- updated readme with a basic scripting tutorial
Version 3.3.0 - Release Date: 1/30/2018
- implemented a tool to fill in data fields in event files
- implemented a tool to fill in data fields in IBI files
- added a function to determine the intervals in which IBI values are measured
- implemented a function to export data in Excel and Matlab format, as well as their time-domain statistics
- implemented functions to export data and statistics in xml format, allowing their further processing by third party software
Version 3.2.0 - Release Date: 1/12/2018
- improved the importing of IBI series with the option to configure the interpolation method to be used, in order to improve visual analysis
- IBI series can now be exported in various formats, including the BSAX format
- better visualisation of IBI series with the option to have a frequency histogram or a waveform representation
- much improved code in terms of quality and readability
Version 3.1.0 - Release Date: 1/11/2018
- now the IBI series can be exported to srt files, allowing the visualization of IBI series in
KARDIA Full Product Key (Final 2022)
KARDIA provides functions for the calculation of different time-domain and frequency-domain parameters of the heart rate variability, as well as for
time-series visualization, and graphical analysis of the IBI series. It also provides several methods to calculate parametric values related to the statistical distribution of the IBIs, such as
the standard deviation (SD), the variance (VAR), and the interquartile ranges.
KARDIA provides a fast solution for the analysis of the IBI series from different IBI series of different lengths. It also includes functions for the
detection and counting of heart beats, and an algorithm for automatic heartbeat annotation.
When evaluating heart rate and heart rate variability, the number of normal-to-normal (NN) intervals or the number of NN intervals of a predefined size, are usually the most common dependent variables.
However, the total time that is needed for the analysis of the NN intervals, as well as the mathematical problems involved in the analysis of very short or very long NN intervals, are
considerable. Moreover, the need to discard occasional long or short NN intervals, in order to obtain a "pure" sample, may lead to loss of information and result in
problems with the interpretation of the NN intervals and the interpretation of the derived parameters.
For these reasons, KARDIA includes a feature, which is called NN intervals sorting by beats, that allows the analysis of the NN intervals
in blocks of a defined size, without any filtering of the NN intervals, so that the length of the analyzed blocks does not exceed or approach a
pre-defined value. In this way, the whole data analysis is split into smaller "samples" or "windows" of data that can be processed and analyzed without the
interference of the abovementioned problems.
KARDIA provides a variety of methods for IBI interpolation, all of which are more efficient and more accurate than the interpolation methods that are
usually used by the majority of software packages.
It also allows the analysis of data sets that consist of two or more series of IBI data, without the need to interpolate the IBI values within one series of data.
For the analysis of heart rate variability, one of the most commonly used statistical parameters is the SD.
The software package KARDIA provides, besides the SD, another statistic of the SD, called the variance of the SD (VAR SD).
For the analysis
What's New In KARDIA?
The main function in KARDIA is for interactive analysis of short IBI series
(2-second or more segments), usually obtained by a Holter system during an experimental
session in which subject was asked to relax and respond to specific visual and/or auditory stimuli.
KARDIA allows the user to import segments from text files (using either absolute or relative
time reference), and then to analyze them either with traditional weighted average or with the
newer linear spline interpolation method.
Also IBI series may be imported using a predefined time reference (absolute or relative) or
KARDIA also allows the user to import IBI series by exporting the data of a raw ECG data file,
using a predefined time reference and plotting the IBI series afterwards.
KARDIA contains functions which allow the user to perform fast time-domain
quantitative analysis of heart rate variability, including calculating standard deviations and
powers of the IBI series, quantifying autonomic innervation using HRV-HF and HF-IBI ratio
measures, performing spectral decomposition of the IBI data either by using fast Fourier Transform
or an auto-regressive model, obtaining non-linear dynamic quantifiers like fractal dimension
of the IBI series, performing Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, etc.
KARDIA also provides time-domain measures like mean, standard deviation, maximum and
minimum values of the IBI series, as well as IBI histograms, which make the analysis of the IBI
series much easier and more accurate.
For the purpose of the analysis, KARDIA allows the user to define a specific analysis window
by means of either a moving average (MS) or a sliding window method (SS) in order to find peaks
in the IBI series and other phasic events.
Peak and event detection may be either performed at any user-defined sampling rate, or, using
a specifically developed wavelet method, at any desired frequency.
KARDIA also allows the user to calculate typical time-domain heart rate variability
HF-IBI, HF-SD, LF/HF ratio, etc.), and even more complex quantitative measures, such as
Fractal Dimension.
Moreover, KARDIA allows the user to perform spectral decomposition of the IBI data either
by using fast Fourier Transform or an auto-regressive model, obtaining both linear and non-linear
quantifiers like LF, HF, VLF, VHF, LF/HF ratio, Poincare Plot, Hurst Exponent, Poincare Map,
Poincare Index, Sample Entropy, Poincare Spectrum, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
System Requirements For KARDIA:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: 2.4 GHz dual-core processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics card
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard disk space: 6 GB
Additional Notes:
To remove the game's trial, download the game client from the manufacturer's website or the Epic Games Store and install it onto your system.
Note: If you are using a Mac, we recommend that you download the game client from